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Yes, there are three letter acronyms all over the place. This one, an MBO, stands for a Management Buyout. So what does that mean?

If you are a business owner and you are looking to sell your business, one of your options might be an MBO.

You might have grown the business from just you as a one man band to now, when the time is right to let go and sell. So how do you do that? A trade sale? What happens to your management team who have helped you build the business? An MBO can present a significant opportunity for a management team and an appealing alternative to a trade sale for the vendor.

MBO’s allow ambitious management teams to take control of the business they are in and continue to drive it forward.​ For a strong management team, the prospect of taking control of the business represents a life-changing opportunity to determine their own destiny. ​

Our specialist Corporate Finance team has significant experience of Management Buyouts. We can spot the key issues and for both sides and structure a deal, using professional diplomacy and objectivity – a WIN:WIN. We manage the MBO process from initial feasibility through to proposals, negotiations, fundraising and completion. So if you are thinking of selling your business you may have already found a buyer! And if you are part of a management team and the business you have helped build is being sold, perhaps it’s time to throw your hat in the ring? Let’s talk!

“working within E-Commerce its massively important to have up-to-date, accurate financial information due to the sectors fast-paced nature and the sheer volume of financial data the activity generates. Since working with Shareholder Strategies I can safely say that I’ve always been up-to-speed with the financial performance of my business. The teams provision of outsourced Finance Director services has proven to be a real strategic advantage for my business whereby they generate comprehensive financial reports on a monthly basis, giving me invaluable insights into the business’s performance. This proactive approach enables us to not only comprehend historical data but also to anticipate and navigate upcoming challenges and opportunities.

Owning a business with a global customer base and numerous overseas subsidiaries comes with a significant accounting and admin requirement, which Shareholder Strategies have integrated into the reporting function. The team also supported Pace through its first two business acquisitions”.

Ed Snelson, Pace Commerce Ltd

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